Dominican Republic | AES Dominicana
Fast-track, supplemental power ensured ongoing system reliability during restoration of existing infrastructure.

Bangladesh | BPDB
As an independent power producer, developed a 71,000 square meter plant site and delivered 300MW of bridging power while mega-infrastructure projects are completed.

South Australia | SAPN
276MW of fast-track power to provide grid stability and mitigate risks of intermittent renewables.

Puerto Rico | U.S Army Corps of Engineers
85MW of emergency power for hurricane relief, 60MW commissioned 17 days after contract signature.

US Virgin Islands | VIWAPA
Modern, utility-grade technology replaced aging infrastructure to help improve efficiency and reliability.

Australia | Horizon Power
Mobile turbine project delivered 100MW of reliable, emissions-friendly bridging power in extreme conditions.

Benin | MEEM
Flexible turbine power solution allowed customer to switch fuels throughout contract based on availability and cost.

Botswana | BPC
Two diesel power module projects providing peaking and bridging power while permanent plant is built.