Press Release

September 17, 2017

APR Energy Enters Seventh Year in Senegal with New 30MW Project

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — APR Energy, a global leader in fast-track power solutions, today announces that it has commissioned 30MW of generating capacity in Senegal to provide supplement power while the Société Nationale d’Éléctricité du Sénégal (Senelec) repairs its plant in Cap de Biches, which was damaged by fire in August. APR Energy’s plant, using diesel power modules, was installed and operational just seven days after the contract was signed.

The project is the latest in a seven-year relationship with Senelec. APR Energy was first contracted by the utility in 2011 to install and operate 50MW of generating capacity to alleviate growing power cuts while outdated equipment was being rehabilitated and new capacity added. In 2012, a 100MW plant was added, and the combined 150MW of power accounted for more than 20 percent of Senegal’s generating capacity.

Over the years, APR Energy has had a series of short-term contracts with Senelec, providing 30-150MW at a time depending on seasonal demand and state of the country’s power infrastructure.
About APR Energy
APR Energy is the world’s leading provider of fast-track mobile turbine power, and has installed over 4,200MW of power capacity across more than 30 countries. Our fast, flexible and full-service solutions provide customers with rapid access to reliable electricity when and where they need it, for as long as they need it. Combining state-of-the-art, fuel-efficient technology with industry-leading expertise, our scalable turnkey plants help run cities, countries and industries around the world, in both developed and developing markets. For more information, visit the Company’s website at